FAIZ GYM | Aerobics Classes
FAIZ GYM | Aerobics Classes

+ Core

Aerobics is one of the earliest forms of class fitness, doing pretty much what is says on the label; engaging your aerobic system. It involves the repetition of movements to music, getting the calories burnt and the heart pumping. Whether you prefer a more dance and choreography based class or just a simple workout, aerobics varies from class to class and is all about what you prefer and what intensity you desire. 

A typical class

The class begins with gentle stretches during the five-minute warm-up. Then the pace will pick up and you will perform dance-type movements in an aerobics studio. Exercises such as grapevines, squat and knee raise, jogging on the spot, jumping jacks, planks and modified push-ups to name a few.

The high tempo music will help you move to the rhythm and easily learn the steps involved. The routines will become more challenging over time and the intensity will increase each time.

What are the benefits?

Aerobics is a class that will get your blood pumping and work the large muscle groups in your body. It will give you a great cardio workout, which helps protect your heart and lungs while aiding weight loss. It is a terrific cross-training exercise for those who already enjoy walking, running or cycling. It has also been shown to improve participants’ flexibility and balance. In addition to developing co-ordination skills as you become more experienced with the choreography and routines each week. The class is suitable for members of all ages, fitness levels and abilities. However, if you have a back, knee or ankle problem please mention it to your instructor who will modify the exercises to accommodate you.
CV fitness rating High
Strength rating Low
Flexibility rating Moderate
Complexity Ranges between classes
Benefits CV improvement, weight loss, increased bone density

